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Core Concepts

Core Concepts


Flexydox is a tool for generating documentation for APIs.


  • One unified documentation for multiple APIs - Open API, GraphQL (support for gRPC and tRPC is planned)
  • Custom markdown pages (User Guide, FAQ, Authentication, ..)
  • Custom example requests for operations.
  • Concept of groups (domains) allows to logically group operations and types across APIs.


Flexydox generator is split into two main parts:

  1. DocProvider - reads the API specification files (currently OpenAPI, GraphQL) and creates an universal schema of the API. All the generated schemas are then merged into one.
  2. Renderer - reads the merged schema file and generates the static documentation website. Renderer is using the Astro to generate the website.

This separation allows to easily add support for new API types. You can even create a custom renderer to render the documentation, for example, as a PDF file.

You may also split the documentation into multiple parts and generate and deploy them separately. For example, you may create a separate documentation for private and public APIs.